Inspiring readings

Nothing compares to hands-on practice, people say. It is very true when it comes to understanding shopper behaviour as well. Nothing compares to observing shopper behaviour in store, right in front of the shelf.

I have worked on shopper and consumer insights matters for more than 15 years now. During this timeframe I came across and got inspired in my work of some great books and authors.

In the toolkits I have developed I have also tried to translate some of this inspiration in actionable advice.

Here it is a list of some of the great books I recommend you to go through:

Inside the mind of the shopper by Herb Sorensen, Ph.D

This book is for me a must for anyone getting closer to shopper behaviour understanding. It reveals the power of observational research as well as the impact that some very simple strategies could have in the retail environment. Although it has been published more than a decade ago, the findings and the recommendations in this book are still valid and relevant.

The Art of Shopping by Siemon Scamell-Katz

I had the pleasure to meet Mr. Scamell - Katz on several occasions, during conferences and workshops on shopper insights, while I was working in Kraft Foods/ Mondelez. The book reflects his vast experience across the globe and it is nicely structured on the path to purchase steps. It was the first time I came across the difference between what shoppers say they do and what actually they do in store.

The Buying Brain by Dr. A.K. Pradeep

This book is a fascinating journey that links neuroscience to shopping. I was enticed by the fact that more that 95% of our decisions are made by the subconscious mind. No way, I said, it can't be true. The book has many scientifically proven references, sometimes overwhelmingly detailed, and presents so many examples on how shopper behaviour and advertising could become more effective and efficient, starting from how the human brains is wired.

Supermarket Shoppology by Phillip Adcock

Focusing on supermarket, as the main retail environment, this book covers shopper perspectives - how people shop, how brain is wired, why do shoppers act and react based on various neurological traits; retailers perspective - what are the key levers tackled by retailers to convince shoppers shop their shop; and shopping smarter, focusing on strategies to influence the behaviour and the purchase decision in store. Highly instructive!

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