
Keeping up to date

What do you read to keep yourself up to date? I often get this question from peers, partners, clients and mentees. Or 'Would you share with me some articles that would help me get a fast track development in my job?' My answer, in most of the cases is to read as much as possible, from trusted sources

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Inspiring readings

Nothing compares to hands-on practice, people say. It is very true when it comes to understanding shopper behaviour as well. Nothing compares to observing shopper behaviour in store, right in front of the shelf. I have worked on shopper and consumer insights matters for more than 15 years now.

Keeping up to date

What do you read to keep yourself up to date? I often get this question from peers, partners, clients and mentees. Or 'Would you share with me some articles that would help me get a fast track development in my job?' My answer, in most of the cases is to read as much as possible, from trusted sources
